Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kirkland Brand Dog Beds

The return of Afghanistan to the French public testimony under the limits of freedom of the press that limits the operation of information out about this theater. The war in the fourth dimension - cognitive - is a delicate operation. Related fields of knowledge and information, it is for warring peoples. Theorizing during the past twenty years, on both sides of the Atlantic, has not granted on the latter concept. If Americans and Europeans agree on a definition offensive, aimed at the domination of the theater of information (full spectrum dominance), opinions differ as to size-up to its defensive nature. Policy proclaim war against terrorism as a universal phenomenon, but the military continues to regard every conflict in their uniqueness. Naturally, the truth lies in between. United States and Great Britain, the reality of the terrorist threat has been found in the most unspeakable horror, legitimizing the same time ... the fighting in Afghanistan and elsewhere. In France, and to a lesser extent in other European countries like Spain and Italy, the sense of illegitimacy of the intervention against Iraq has led to place it under a cone of silence operations in Afghanistan .
The relativity of the sphere of consensus on military matters in Europe explains the differences. But it also reflects a weakness of the information operation in Afghanistan. The techniques used by Western troops to win local people largely been learned by the Taliban, as shown by their increased operational since the spring. In particular, they learned the virtues of the "strategic corporal", a term referring to the implications of decision making at the tactical level on strategic policy. They have successfully applied on local populations, and they enjoy the high level of illiteracy, which limits the scope of the psychological operations of ISAF, but also use the hostile environment. Thus they have developed their own transaction information, playing on two areas: local communities to detach Local Karzai government, and internationally, to undermine the strength of the antiterrorist coalition. In particular, they understood that the high short-term tactical posted by ISAF revealed a desire to reassure European governments by posting a performance of the military operation in a communication on combatants killed. By their access to international media, the Taliban are able to achieve the same communication. And parade in Paris-Match is the proof.
What attitude to take in the future? To get the public support in such mission, it is important that the international communities and national Ministers had full knowledge, they understand its goals and objectives. This transparency can have a positive effect on international and local support and ultimately help create realistic expectations and perceptions. In Afghanistan, expectations were high and some uncertainty regarding the mandate of ISAF are perceived, especially on anti-drug operations. This confusion has been used by the Taliban to undermine the mission, using too much transparency in which operations are conducted. NATO ponders two important lessons. First, key military tasks and need support must be formulated in clear terms, so that different interpretations may not appear in the area of operation or in the countries contributing troops. Second, effective communication strategies to inform people is extremely important.


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