Saturday, February 6 La Paz 21 ° Sunny We found a repair kit for this stove is the highlight of the day . The remaining time is spent roaming the streets of La Paz.
Monday, February 8 97km Chua Alt: 3822m sunny then cloudy 19 ° What drache this morning, a downpour descended on the city. Fortunately, it stopped before eight o'clock, the hour of our departure. Finally, theoretically ... We were Max, Aaron and I join Angela and Chantal in El Alto, up the hill where the Cristian and Luisa had taken away. In short, we were on time to appointments, but no one was ready, we left at nine ten! As usual, the six miles ribs were easier for me than for my companions. Yet Max is a real cyclist. I missed my calling ... El Alto, located at 4000m altitude, is the continuity of La Paz. This is the popular town or poor. More than one million inhabitants and an activity worthy of an anthill. We had to squeeze between a huge number (hundreds) of minibuses (microphones, which are the local public transport). These rolling anyhow and stop anywhere without forgetting to cut our way without warning. In fact, when freelance how to operate these vehicles, it becomes easy, it's even almost a kilometer jeu.Quelques after leaving the city, we meet Tom, an English cyclist is happy to see us because we were the first cyclists he met three months of travel. A few minutes later comes a Canadian soon followed by two Americans ... He who had seen anyone, it is served! We had planned to pitch our tent on the shores of Lake Titicaca (the highest navigable lake in the world and more Lake South America). We expected to find a nice little place to call our own, well it missed. Everything is urbanized, and we are going through village after village. We ended up pitching the tent on a beach located between one of these villages and the lake. Lucio, a fisherman came to greet us and we say that we would be quiet to rest here. Unless he left for fishing at three o'clock in the morning we wake up ...
Wednesday, February 10 Copacabana 24 ° Sunny Excursion to Isla Del Sol. It begins with crowd like sardines in a small ship, such as:''A boat sank on Lake Titicaca as there were one hundred and fifty passengers instead ...''. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful and everything went well. We crossed the island from north to south along paths dating back to Inca times. Our tour culminated at 4000m altitude, up there we had a panoramic view over the lake and its surroundings. And still the terraced slopes. We crossed the village from another time where the animals (pigs, donkeys, cows or sheep) and cohabiting men everywhere (and it feels ...). Tonight, we had provided a good grilled trout ( for less than two euros) that we have tasted in a tavern on the beach before sunset. Our last night in Bolivia.
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