Thursday, February 11 75km including 2km runway Between Juli and Ilave Alt: 3848m 20 ° Sunny Copacabana is famous for its baptisms of vehicles; we just argentina specifically for this. We decorate the car with flowers and confetti and sprinkled it with holy water while the owner and his friends or his family drink beer or alcohol (we also give the car). Of course, having good refreshments, all these people back on the road! Anyway, the car is protected, nothing can happen ... We managed to spend our last until the last centavo boliviano (food for two days because there is no cash machine in Peru before a hundred kilometers). Here we are, Peru, the last country we are experiencing on this trip. We expected to Peruvian customs picky or pests, but quite the contrary. The customs officer stamped our passports without even check the page with our names ... ola gringo''''The children and some adults have accompanied us throughout the day. Tonight we got a little away from the road up the tent. We thought we had found a quiet place but there are a lot of people who use this road on foot. So we had the chance to talk with some of these farmers. Some people ask us if we do not want them to buy something, but despite our refusal, they always keep smiling. We took pictures of a family and promised to send them. We will print it in Puno, but there is no postage and no address! We will send the photos through the bus with just the name the recipient on the envelope ...
Friday, February 12 77km of which 7 km from Puno Runway Elevation: 3830m 18 ° Rain, clouds and sun . We started on time in Peru. This means that the sun sets an hour earlier than in Bolivia, ie to 6:15 p.m.! Our days will be short bike because if you want to eat the night before, we must stop up to 16.30 ... Yesterday at 20h it was already in bed ... About last night, we came under heavy winds terrible banging the tent. I say ill of our tent but we must recognize that in terms of its resistance to wind, it's very effective, nothing moves. By cons, with the wind, rain tends to seep underneath and that's not well at the exit of tout.Dès Ilave the road, which until then was perfect, it is degraded, and this does was more than bumps and holes for 20km. Worse than a lot of tracks we empruntées.En comparison with Bolivia, life will be somewhat easier question because food can be found in any small supermarket. We'll finally be able to vary our meals a bit.
Saturday, February 13 Between 93km Caracara Pucara and Alt: 3855m 20 ° Cloudy in the morning with a shower. Then sunny . My counter has passed away. There is that of Angelique, but sometimes it goes crazy (especially at low speed side. Or so it really runs over 80km / h in the ribs ...). Fortunately, we have lent by Marc GPS (see our thanks) relais.Route easy to take apart the first three miles that took us to 4000m. From long straights to Juliaca, the city can not be more chaotic: the motorcycle taxis, bicycle taxis, taxis, minibuses, cars, all in a shambles not possible. Fortunately, it is done and it becomes almost a game to move there dedans.Depuis few miles, the road passes between the green hills along the course of a river. It is less monotonous and easier to find a place to camp.
Sunday, February 14 95km Santa Rosa Alt: 3995m 25 ° Sunny Road slightly false flat amount but easy because the wind was pushing us. 20 km / h medium without forcing (without stops) This Sunday is Carnival in villages where we went. We stopped at Ayaviri. Bands, many people dressed up and a lot of people drunk. Just outside the city were also saw a guy sleep it off (or whatever else) into a ditch at the entrance to Santa Rosa, another was lying beside his bicycle in the middle a street ... Children play with them when people splash of water or some kind of colored liquid. We had the chance to escape, although some have tried, but they are wrong ... Tonight, we decided not to mount the tent you sleep under a roof, protected by low walls. That, I think, a craft market. Angelica loves camping in the''stars''. There's just something that disturbed, the insects. And because insects love our headlamps ... It is 8:30 p.m. ET as the sun sets around 18:15, it's been a dark it is. So Angel is already asleep and I'm about to follow suit. Good night.
Monday, February 15 82km San Pedro Alt: 3490m 19 ° Cloudy and rainy tonight The day began in a strange way, three hundred yards after we let us set out, we passed beside the corpse of a cyclist lying on the road. A poor guy who probably went work to support his family ... There are better as early journée.Vingt five kilometers later (and higher), we arrive at 4352m, our highest pass so far. As Angela was afraid of falling asleep (yes, above 4000m, miss sleep), she began to chew coca leaves. And it looks like it works! Few kilometers further, we used hot springs to relax a peu.Nous we were counting camp tonight, but out of Sicuani, big bad clouds chased us , we drove like cracked for their escape and fortunately we found a small hostel just before the shower ... Phew!
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