Tuesday, January 12 El Carmen 69km Elevation: 1183m 27 ° / 18 ° / 15 ° Mostly sunny, cloudy, windy In the series:''nights''Didier is still bad in the past. At issue this time, the heat. Suddenly, my mood was not great this morning ... We took the road under the sun, but fortunately, the road ran through the middle of what looked like a rainforest, so plenty of shade. This afternoon, the wind picked up. And what a wind! Perhaps a remnant of the storm that struck Buenos Aires last night ... We spend the night at a campsite where we arrived early (14:30). I have already recovered part of my sleep deficit by making a big nap. The temperature dropped to fifteen degrees, it should allow us to get a good night. However, if other campers ... Wednesday, January 13 83km Route 9 between Volcano and Tumbaya Alt: 2112m 15 ° / 20 ° / 15 ° Sunny Day transition as they say in the Tour de France, nothing very interesting except our final ascent several kilometers to a good percentage. This morning we took our breakfast on the pleasant place of El Carmen and it was full of groceries in San Salvador de Jujuy (not very interesting), where for Angelique was full of information to the tourist office, I received the same information from the policeman on guard outside the building. Temperatures are down again, it will perhaps be a second night in our sleeping bags. Owl, we like that. Small rant: Both Argentine South seemed respectful of their environment, both those here do not care, they balance bottles, paper, etc., through the window of their cars. In the south, motorists respected us, the honking was encouragement. Here the honking sound more like:''emerges out of my way''... And few people to slow down our approach, even if there is not much room to overtake us. Thursday, January 14 Tilcara 47km Elevation: 2461m 15 ° / 20 ° /? Clear We are in the Quebrada de Humahuaca. We are a little disappointed. It's actually very nice, but the tracks we've borrowed a few days ago from Cafayate to Salta was so wonderful that this road seems normal. Moreover, the behavior of drivers (see my rant from yesterday) prevents us from fully enjoying the scenery. We made a detour Purmamarca; cute little village of mud and white walls but hyper tourism. The village square is a large Indian market colorful. It is still very enjoyable. Tonight we are in Tilcara. The camp is for us, no question, they are noisy and about noon we already saw the young leave the buses en masse ... We were lucky because a lady offered us to sleep in his hospedaje for 20 pesos per person (4 €) instead of 50pesos / p min. in the village). It's quiet and very clean although the room is the size of a double bed plus 60cm ... But we will not complain eh! Our tent is not bigger ... We met Pasha, a fifties or sixties who travels in French Brompton (folding bike), finally, he makes small pieces but also takes the bus. We also met a couple of German cyclists who go to Lima. They must be a week before us. See you then maybe on the road. We spent the evening in a restaurant where the doors were closed once all the tables were occupied. A singer and two musicians have hosted the evening and raised our regional dishes. Friday, January 15 67km Ruta 9 Alt: 3359m 20 ° Sunny We had planned to stay in Humahuaca, but as we got there early, we took advantage of the daily menu (15 pesos) a small restaurant to leave heat to pass. We then visited the village and as the afternoon was not too started, we took the road with the avowed objective to find us a nice place to pitch our tent. Campsites in the villages, and we're done! Saturday, January 16 73km Abra Pampa Alt: 3484m Sunny We did not sleep well. Altitude? Perhaps, it must be said that this was our first night at 3000m altitude. It was 10 degrees when we got up, but that does not prevent us from eating our bread with dulce de leche (Argentine specialty found everywhere: bread, pastries, ice cream, cookies, etc.) quietly sitting in the sun. The road climbed easily through landscapes and then cashed in the midst of vast expanses. It is this part of the Quebrada we enjoyed most and it is paradoxically one that attracts no tourists ... Good, you have to earn! We crossed a pass at 3780m without a problem if it's a little early headache for Angelica (an aspirin and it was done) and breath a bit short for us both. As the sun as it was over 40 °, we wanted a terrace. And it was! However, Abra Pampa is truly the corn, they call themselves the Siberian region Argentina. I doubt whether it is landscapes, So maybe it does for its isolation ... Well, it was not like the terrace on the Croisette but just a table in the shade in front of a greasy spoon ... Still, it was the Shadow and Angel took the opportunity to whistle three quarters of a bottle of beer (they make a liter here ...). It was dug up a nifty little hospedaje, a triple room which we shared (heartily) with Annette and Walter, the two German cyclists met at Tilcara who had just hit 100km and had no room. Must say that housing not rushing here. In short, there is one of two who sleeps on the floor. I do not know which of the two began to snore, but I hope this is only temporary ...
Sunday, January 17 The Quiaca 80km Elevation: 3462m 25 ° Sunny A series of long straights we were driven to the border town. Not exactly a place to vacation and there is not much because everything is cheaper in Bolivia, so people go there to shop. As it is Sunday, everything is closed and the only busy place is the bus station where young Argentine cross to the backpack and the bag full of Indian goods. Were housed in a very nice couple of Ushuaia (Sergio is a journalist) is spartan but it is peaceful. We ate our last Parilla (assortment of meats cooked on the BBQ) and Argentine Angel was again booed almost a liter of beer ... What health!. There was room for Annette and Walter here, but they were lost, we left earlier than them this morning and as more people drive faster ... They're probably looking in Bolivia.
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