Villazon to Uyuni - 324km
part of the journey the hardest since we left but that adventure! Monday, January 18 32km with 25km of track Road Tupiza Alt: 3438m 28 ° Cloudy cloudy and wind in the afternoon. That one is in Bolivia! 2:30 waiting to cross the border. Surprisingly, out of Argentina that it lasts a long time (2h00). What a contrast! The much Quiaca died, as Villazon bustles with activity; stores everywhere and a huge crowd in the streets. This is obviously normal because everything is cheaper here. It made the experience by paying only the equivalent of 1.5 € for our meal midi.Dès out of the city, we are on track. It is under construction, so there is a constant coming and going of trucks and more, we must stand strong headwind. What we ate like dust ... To Bolivian our first night, we pitched the tent a little away from the route.J 'I took an aspirin tonight because I was not feeling very well, out of breath quickly and small voltage drops. The altitude and fatigue (due to my bad nights) are linked against me ...
Tuesday, January 19 69km with 51km of track Tupiza Alt: 2875m 32 ° Sunny Terribly hot! Fortunately, the track was mostly undamaged. We left the plateau to a valley dominated by shades of brown, red and green mountains cultures. We passed through villages built of adobe. Truly a beautiful route.Quelle issue to arrive in Tupiza, we can finally cool in the shade of the square, sipping a cold drink. No more hot water from our water bottles we eat since morning ... There are five or six restaurants (pizzeria) that have the same decor, the same card and same prices. I do not think you can come across a client Bolivian ... Not surprisingly, as it's not our thing, we still managed to find a real local restaurant where there is the tourists that we do not cross ... It's much cheaper, probably as good and much nicer than hearing speak English, French or German at nearby tables.
Wednesday, January 20 Tupiza Cloudy was well chosen our hotel for the rest day (Hostal Pdro Arrayo), clean and quiet. One bedroom (with a good bed) overlooking a courtyard and showers with hot water. All for 70Bol (7 €), which is expensive ... The clouds have cooled the atmosphere, thanks to them we are not overwhelmed by heat. So much the better and sorry for those who freeze their feet in Belgium. Well yes, that's spending the winter in the summer, enjoy the lack of sunlight was found ... Annette and Malta (Walter is not as written above) and we will probably walk together unless they wake up tomorrow is too hard because it's party at their hotel
. (Angel: I toured the village to find them by going yard with each hostel. They were staying in the hostel since yesterday My Home. Fortunately we did not stay there as I would have liked because there was no hot water)
Thursday, January 21 48km with 47km of track between Atocha and Tupiza Alt: 4050m Cloudy Partly Cloudy, 27 ° (over 3500m ...) What a day! As expected, we took the road with our German friends. The first part of the route took us through incredible landscapes, worthy of the most beautiful landscapes of the American West. At kilometer 31, just after the village of Salo, the festival began, a climb of over 12km, which led us to an altitude of 4029m. A sweet euphoria we win, it's the first time for everyone that we find ourselves at an altitude similar. Cycling and more! Let's talk about this climb. For me it was not very difficult, breathing was good and the legs followed. I took quite a lead over the other but do not believe I took the opportunity to rest. Nope, my goodness I was legendary down the road to push a little Angel (not easy to move a 45kg bike when you weigh the same weight ...). We decided to camp a little down because we had little rain and clouds we were wrong to fear the thunder and lightning that night. We are not specialists in the mountains, but this kind of thing to more than 4000m, bof, not good. Briefly, continuous, and where we thought down, it goes up again! As the sun sets early here (19:30), we have more choice too and we're ready for one night at 4050m! Meals in the tent and sleep in our sleeping bags for the night looks cool.
Friday, January 22 66km track Atocha Alt: 3660m 26 ° Partly cloudy The night was good at 4050m. Tired as we were, nothing more normal.On began the day by a neck, after 200m of road, we here at 4067m. Photos. It is believed to have reached the maximum altitude. So we began the descent to reach 4200m and back ...! So there we are really high. Re-pictures. We paused and admired the scenery. Descent back to back ...! And hop, 4208m and guess what, we return back to .... At this point, the legs of Angelica began a strike,''leaving out the''tractor and I am promoted. In fact, Anette and Malta also pay efforts yesterday and despite my curly''ball'', our speed is much greater than theirs. I shape my life short, so we go back yet another runway in lace and here we are at 4264m. Of course, photo. Then we drive several miles on a plateau before descending to Atocha. Arid landscapes with colors and various reliefs have staked our way today. A feast for the eyes to top it all, Atocha was discovered, a city built on a mountainside, at a bend between two cliffs. Atocha just brings us full of feet deep in Bolivia, no tourists here and people look at us like aliens. Housing is not at top: no shower, much less hot water, hard bed and as a board. Well, it pays only 20 Bowl (2 €) per person, but compared to what we pay our good hotel in Tupiza, it is expensive.
(Angel: there was only one hotel that offered a shower and I had the bad idea not to take it all because I found a cute house alojamiento held by many indigenous Typical. I forgot the importance of having a shower after an intense effort ...) For the restaurant, like, 10 Bol but not very tasty soup and a dish light version for anorexic ... We stayed on our hunger. We wanted to buy a hamburger here in the street but the seller took great delight in ignoring my order and to serve others before us. When she finally prepared ours, it was blocked. I know it's not cool but you still have not grown huh! Finally, we ate cookies ...
Saturday, January 23 52km track From Atocha Uyuni and Alt: 3775m Cloudy 22 ° we were on the road to two, Anette and Malta have decided to leave in mid-twenty kilometers journée.Après grimpettes raids and always colorful landscapes, we are here on a platter. We thought it would be easy, but no, corrugated iron and sand hinder our progress and the day is long ... A flat tire later (my third), we set the tent in a sandy spot, that I carefully avoid d usual, but now no choice. We begin our mess and the wind took the opportunity to get up and play sandstorm. We must protect all in disaster because the sand gets everywhere. Our meal scrape teeth into ... But this is only the beginning. The zipper of the tent starts the game and we loose
(pub cons: do not buy Vaude tent). A lightning festival is unfolding before our eyes. It's beautiful but it stresses us because there are only our tent and our bikes that emerge from the desert. Adherents of the precautionary principle, we will sleep in the storm (although protected by our rain gear) and admire the spectacle of lightning striking at random. When the lightning finally recede, the rain comes into play; a rainstorm which also infiltrated in the tent! Good night kids ...
Sunday, January 24 57km with 55km of track Uyuni Alt: 3664 Time: A little of everything ... Well, we did not sleep much. The rain has stopped until about eight hours. Damage: sand (wet or dry) and water everywhere in the tent. The day begins with a nettoyage.On take the road on a track into a quagmire, what a pain! Mud, our bad night and the efforts of previous days add up and our morale took a big hit. One does not. We nearly nine hours to traverse the 55km that separates us from Uyuni, so there is not any side
... (Angel: my mind was so low that I cracked. I really thought to hitchhike but the trucks are rare. It was the worst day of our trip) . Only fun time of the day we moved our bikes on a railway bridge under the curious gaze of dozens of people whose vehicles were stranded by a review crue.On thought Anette and Malta tonight, but given the bad conditions, I think they were forced to camp one more night on the road. We plaignons.Enfin The day ends with a hailstorm of rare violence that has had the advantage of ridding our bikes for much of the accumulated mud today. We're still going to celebrate the end of our ordeal in a restaurant to tourists and even then, without missing, it's OK to still 130Bol (13 €) ...
(ANGEL us who dreamed of a hot shower once arrived in Uyuni, he missed! Indeed, we understand that in the region, electricity is regulated and therefore when there is no electricity, no water (pump) and therefore no hot water. We used our water bottles to wash a minimum before going to the restaurant) .